About us

Hugobiotech Beijing Co.,Ltd is one of the earliest companies engaged in the field of microbial metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) for infection pathogen diagnosis, being the only mNGS company participated in the 13th Five-Year National Key Research and Development Program of China. The world leading microbial sequencing data analysis system PACEseq (Pathogen Capture Engine Sequencing), developed by Hugobiotech, with cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI), gives us huge competitive advantage by increasing our report accuracy to 85%.

Hugobiotech is working closely with clinical, laboratory and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) experts, providing clinical tests, screening and consulting services for over 800 tertiary grade A hospitals nation-wide i Citatin China. The total number of mNGS samples tested by Hugobiotech ranks among the top in the world, with the most cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples tested in the world.
About usage

RVFscan provides a multi-annotation system for identifying the important VFGs of 24 pathogenic bacteria (see “Species list” in Homepage). This analysis tool can be applied directly to reads for VFG prediction without assembly, and especially suitable for clinical metagenomic data with low-biomass and high complexity.

Here, the usage serves as a reference for how to add an analysis task for RVFscan and interpret analysis results.

Add Task

Users can perform the analysis by the single-end next-generation sequencing data, especially for the clinical metagenomic sequencing data with Illumina platforms.

  • Select and upload the local query sequence file by clicking on the ‘Upload’ button. This requires the file with a maximum size of 800 M in FASTQ format (*.fq.gz or *.fastq.gz). And only one file is uploaded at a time.

  • Select the species information for the query sequence data from the drop-down menu of 24 detectable species. This tool does not accept VFGs identification outside the 24 species. If the data involves multiple species, user can select more than one species at the same time. If the species involved in the data is uncertain, user can select ‘Unknown’. Please note that only VFGs of the species selected here are shown in the analysis results.

  • Select the sample type for the query sequence data from the drop-down menu of 6 sample types. For sample that do not belong to the first five types, user can select ‘Others’. This term is optional.

  • Click the ‘Start Analysis’ button to submit background analysis.

Here, a demo file of the demo sequence data serves as a example for acceptable sequence data. User can download the demo file and perform analysis by uploading it and filling in the sample information. This demo sequence data involves four species, including Acinetobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae.

After the task is added successfully, the task list page is displayed. If the task status is ‘Standby’ or ‘Running’, the task is queuing up or being performed in the background, respectively. When the analysis is completed, user will receive a reminder email from which can link to the task list page. At this point, the task status is ‘complete’, and user can click the ‘Preview’ button to preview the results. For user convenience, the task list supports searching by task number and created time.

Interpret results

Enter the interface of preview results by clicking the ‘Preview’ button in the task list. This page displays the species selected by the user and the results list. The list includes identified VFG symbol, the count of uniquely mapped reads, species, VF name, VF function, VFG function (GO, EggNOG).

NOTE: Analysis results were reported for all VFGs supported with at least one unique read, without manual filtering. For species with a low count of mapped reads, the VFG results need to be carefully considered.

Download results

For the interface of preview results, user can download the result list file and the intermediate result file, respectively, by clicking the download icon in the upper right corner. Users can download TXT or XLS files.

For the task list, user can download the zip file, including the result list file and the intermediate result file, by clicking the ‘download’ button in the Operation column.

NOTE: The tasks information in task list and analysis results are reserved for 7 days. Please save and download the required files before becoming invalid.

In addition, in the spirit of academic collaboration, we provide the detection rates and HF VFG profiles of 24 pathogens for academic use. To obtain permission, you will send your name, organization, purpose of research to rvfscan@hugobiotech.com via your institutional email address.

The annotation of VFGs function was refer to The Gene Ontology knowledgebase (GO, http://geneontology.org/), UniProt (https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/) and EggNOG (http://eggnog5.embl.de/#/app/home, v5.0).

Data and data products from GO contributed after 1999 and prior to 2019 (release date "2021-09-10" and "doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4033054") are licensed by Gene Ontology Consortium under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License unless otherwise marked (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

For data and data products from UniProt, they have chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) to all copyrightable parts of the databases.